Current Music: Weekend Wars- MGMT Currently Wearing: My glasses, my bangles, and my friendship bracelets, a paisley print green hippie top and black short shorts.
Currently: talking to Erik and Ernest online
I'm sun
burn ! Today's horse show was very fun. Grand Champion Desert Rose (; Ericka managed to place first in everything which was pretty awesome. I think this horse is a keeper, which is great. She's like brown and white but its mixed not a paint and she's super cute, and five years old. I actually like her, which is a plus. This weekend since I'm grounded I haven't really been doing much. Friday night we went polo hunting at Macy's and Bloomingdale's for Ericka. I love the Ralph Lauren polo's but she didn't like them. Saturday was Valentines day, stayed home and had a nice dinner with the parents. 
Today besides the show... I went to Goodwill. I got a black skirt, knee length its greatt but needed to be washed. I got a short sleeve green, white and brown flannel, it's warm and comfy. Gots a double breasted black blazer, its light too which is great. My mom found a military jacket with brass buttons thats pretty good. I found a tent like sequin shirt that deff needs to be altered but its good. Lastly, I found the prettiest dress ever (picture to the right) It's so heavy, and pretty. It has so much detail and its just gorgeous. Knee lengnth and fit great. Worth the trip and the eight dollars :D
I'm going to go thrifting tomorrow, possibly. Even though I've done nothing this weekend doesn't completely suck (: Early release on Thursday which is great, and hopefully I can do something.
forever and ever yourss