Apr 30, 2009

really like this outfit;

no internet at my house :/ comcast is being installed and i have no idea when i'll be around to blogging more. i miss this too ! my dogs in the hospital and my phone is broken aswell. but...i hope everything is okay with yall.
much love,

Apr 27, 2009



Polo style shirt with collar, Oxford button down shirt with collar, Girl’s blouse with collar or approved “Spirit-Wear Shirt or Spirit-Wear T-Shirt.” {NOTE: “Spirit-Wear” is defined as clothing which has been pre-approved by MPSHS Student Activities and is related to school activities, organizations, clubs, or athletic teams.} Shirts can be long sleeve, short sleeve, half sleeve, or three quarter sleeve. No sleeveless shirts permitted. No homemade shirts permitted. No altered shirts permitted. Shirts may not be oversized. No brand name logos over 1" in diameter. Button down shirts can not be worn open.
Approved colors: Solid White, Solid Navy Blue, Solid Columbia Blue (light blue), and Solid Heather Gray.

Cargo or full length style shorts (must be knee length); Skirts (can not be worn above the knee);
Capri pants, pants or jeans. Solid color fitted shorts/pants must be worn at the waist. Shorts must reach the top of the knee. Pant legs may not drag the floor. Shorts/pants/skirts may not have embellishments, embroidery, patches or holes.
Approved colors: Khaki, Navy Blue, Denim blue jeans.

A school issued ID badge with a lanyard is a mandatory part of the uniform. The ID Badge must be visibly worn above the waist.

The following items are not permitted to be worn: Low cut jeans, hats, caps, headwear, oversized shirts, knee length shirts, homemade shirts, spaghetti straps, spandex of any type, polyester leggings, athleticwear, sweatpants, pajama pants, bedroom slippers, exposed underwear, baggy jeans, baggy pants, baggy shorts, midriffs showing, short-shorts, skirts above the knee, and swimwear.

Apr 26, 2009

hamster, 17 again, and new york.



cutest thing everrr<3

i hated saturday night.


my personal nickname for her, i love love her style.
i don't ralleh like disney stars though but fashion is fashionnn.

Apr 20, 2009

Happy Monday yall'

I have no idea where I got that picture :/ sorry !
I've been super tired all day long.
I almost fell asleep in fourth period, which wouldn't have been good.
Things to look forward to this week:
-Running heh, noooooooo.
-Math and APWH NOEZ
Thursday- maybe? Early Release!
Saturday-I still have to seeeee,
lets make plans?
x's n oh's

Apr 18, 2009


Apr 17, 2009

ice skating tomorow !

what would you wear to that? D:

Apr 16, 2009


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may seventh 2009
so i can see jared followill please and thanks.
oh but the rest of the fam is good tooo.

modcloth faves

i love all of thiss, the flower earings are adorible !

ErniieExtacy: oneday you should write a blog
ErniieExtacy:on the awsomeness
ErniieExtacy: of
ErniieExtacy: peanut butter and jelly :} i love peanut buter and jelly
thats so Gossip Girl.

Apr 13, 2009

lookbook faves 4/13

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i love thisssss

April 20 -_______-
I wish I was this pretty -sigh-

Apr 10, 2009


Up and Running! Almost:

clickkk ^^^^^^

Apr 9, 2009

"Culture with a capitol K"

The title is an ode to Uncle Mike. Happy Passover to all the Jews (:

I wanted to update my blog with the pictures of the fabulous things I have bought ! So many things, I have way too many clothes! I bought an ACDC shirt, those two patterns in the right hand upper corner are just shirts, the WASTED YOUTH y-back is a favorite of mine (: the "sup" shirt was from a great skate shop which I also got new bearings for my baby (it rides SO much better), there are studded white shorts somewhere in the picture, a khaki double layer skirt, Tye-die and striped tights, and that nice green t-shirt. Today at H&M I was really disappointed but I managed to get a gray cardigan with bubble sleeves, a black members only jacket, and red skinny pants. They aren't jeans though, but super comfy!

Speaking of clothing....
UPDATE: I, Adrian, am going to start selling vintage t-shirts which I "customize" for around fifteen dollars. There will be around seven styles for girls and one general style for guys. I don't know when it's going to be up and running but I will for sure give you all updates. I might expand and it doesn't only have to be just t-shirts but I'm going to see what I want to do. Thanks everyone (: I'll be able to really post more when I'm home. I'm still loving California and missing everyone!

Apr 5, 2009

Hello Hello !

Wish you were here ! The weather is kind of chilly, but other then that I'm loving this. I have yet to go shopping for more then an hour but I have already bought a dress and two pairs of earrings. I'm going up to Laguna today until Wednesday. On the agenda: SHOPPING and a hair cut (: I'll be back before you know it.
much love from the west coasttt -Adrian

Apr 1, 2009

Be Back the 11th !

OFF TO CALIFORNIA ! I'll have plenty to post when I return ;D
photo from courts flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/courtneyannwelbon/